EFPM History


European Ford Puma Meeting.

The idea to organise a European Puma meeting was always present by the former boardmembers. 2005 was the year the meeting was presented ……

Saturday september 10th 2005


The very first EFPM was a fact. The date was chosen because of the EFE in Landgraaf, which was Sunday september 11. Of course this was a ideal combination for all the Pumadrivers throughout Europe. The beautiful campsite ‘de Bron’ in Valkenburg a/d Geul was chosen to be the location, because it’s only a 15 minute drive to Landgraaf. The campsite is still the place-to-be!
During the first EFPM we had 37 Puma’s from Holland, Belgium and Germany. On the program were a small tombola and a Show & Shine contest. We even had 3 stands. The demonstration of the 540hp 4×4 Rally Puma was the highlight of the first EFPM.

Saturday september 9th 2006


The second edition EFPM, again together with the EFE in Landgraaf. Pumadrivers were welcome at the campsite on Friday, just like the year before. Saturday was the meeting, Sunday we drove together in line to Landgraaf. 56 Puma’s from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and Switzerland made the meeting to be a real European meeting. Just like the first year there were the tombola and the Show & Shine. This was also the first year of the air-rifle contest and BBQ, which were well appreciated. We also had perfect weather.

Saturday september 8 2007


Our third EFPM. Preparing the site for the meeting bega non Thursday. Previous years there was enough time to start Friday, the First time even Friday in the afternoon. Friday is, from this year, the day when a lot of Puma’s arrive at the campsite. This year we had 64 Puma’s from 6 different countries. We even had a UK visitor. Tombola, Show & Shine, 5 sales stands, air-rifle contest and other games made sure there was no chance to be bored. We also organized the BBQ this year, which, from this year on, is a permanent feature of the EFPM.

Saturday 12th and Sunday september 13th 2008


The fourth meeting in 2008 is known to be the mud-meeting. This was the first year at a different location at the campsite because the terrain became too small, and because there were some campers who had permanent spots at our site.
This was the first year we had a program in four languages, and a computer program for the subscription. The entire terrain is perfect, except for the entrance. There was a concrete block, so we had to make our own entrance, so this wouldn’t cause a problem for the lowered Puma’s. Thursday the construction of the entrance, shooting range and subscription began (at 27 degrees). Friday we had “some” rain. Which lasted until Saturday afternoon. Fortunately this was during the awards and tombola. Despite of the weather we had a number of 36 Puma’s Friday, and a total of 83 Puma’s. Sunday we drove together with 60 Puma’s to Landgraaf

Friday 11th, Saturday 12th and Sunday september 13th 2009


The fifth EFPM. Our first lustrum. Especially for the anniversary, all the puma’s got a DVD with pictures of previous years, and a beautiful Pumadrivers pen, in our own red color.
Because we were told that the EFE wouldn’t be at Landgraaf anymore, we took the entire weekend for our EFPM. Friday was only for arrival, Saturday the “real” meeting with tombola and BBQ, and Sunday the awards.
This is also the first year the entrance was made Wednesday, the rest of the terrain Thursday so we had Friday for the final straws. This year 6 tents made the heart of the meeting.
It was also the first year we didn’t have any stands, but we did create FRP lane, where we proudly presented our three FRP Puma’s. HART Ralley Team was a special guest this year, who came to show their brutal Rally Puma.
Despite of the weather and anniversary, we “only” had 69 Puma’s this year.
Fortunately we took Sunday at our meeting, which made sure we have a nice “status” inside the Puma community.

Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th and Sunday september 5th 2010


The sixth edition. A true European meeting. 73 Puma’s from 10 different countries. Visitors from The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France and Switzerland were there previous years. This year we also had visitors from Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia.That one drove 1500 km to attend the meeting! Another record was at FRP lane. There we had 4 FRP’s from three different countries, The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. This years award ceremony was at 14.00, which made Sunday one of the meeting days. Just like last years we had a lot of beautiful Tombola prizes, show & shine cups, activities and a nice BBQ. The subscription got extended by webcam, and a picture was made of every puma attending the meeting. But the biggest event this year was our work platform, sponsored by ACW Softline, which took visitors 35m up in the air. This gave a very nice view over the hills of Limburg, and an even better view over all the Puma’s at the meeting.

Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday september 4th 2011


During our 7th EFPM we had amazing weather, with the exception of sundaymorning. Even the night temperature was perfect. We had a total of 70 Puma’s from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria and Italy. Again a new record this year, 5 FRP’s, even one from France, which we never had before. The subscription had a little extra this year, a screen with all the meeting statistics. We had a lot of Puma’s and a lot of fun.
The people at the meeting make the EFPM to be such an success.. At the shooting range we had three new items this year, for example a moving deer. More difficult but more fun. We also had darts, pitbox game and table-tennis (without competition). At the show & shine we had 3 extra cups because we added a category between standard and tuned. During the ceremony all the winners got a plaque with picture, which was a great success.. Tombola and BBQ were also a very big success.. All visitors got, upon entering, a black model mini Puma, which were sponsored by Ford Germany.

Friday 7th, Saturday 8th and Sunday september 9th 2012


The eighth edition was the one with the best weather of all previous EFPM’s. We “only” got 56 puma’s from Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. The low number had no influence on the success of the meeting, because it was a lot of fun. This year was the first version of digital voting. People could cast their votes by smart phone. All activities were well visited, and again we added a category to the show & shine. The tombola is still a very big feature of the meeting. The weather, fun and lot of gasoline talks made another superb meeting. We are hoping to be better visited next year.

Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday september 8th 2013


We had perfect weather during the preparations of the ninth EFPM. The pre-subscriptions showed that we would approximately have the same amount of Puma’s like last year. Because of that we put the tents on the center field, just like 2010. This way, everything was closer to eachother. This appeared to be the right choice. With a total of 53 Puma’s from the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and France, we did have a nice amount, especially when the number of Puma’s is dropping. This was the first year we had a little tour in and around Valkenburg.
The BBQ had a different setting this year, we took a new supplier. This appeared to be a good choice. The M&R shooting contest and Tuninghaus Grand Prix were very successful, just like the Pumadrivers Tombola.
Unfortunately, we did not have the nice weather during the meeting like we had during construction. The temperature was nice, but it rained a lot. The night from Saturday to Sunday we had so much rain, several tents gave to the weight of the water on roof of the tents. By pushing the water of the roof, we managed to keep it dry under our own tents. Sundaymorning the sun came through and the Puma world became okey again. We can look back to a very successful meeting, and we are looking forward to the 10th European Ford Puma Meeting next year.

Friday 5th, saturday 6th and sunday 7th of September 2014


Our tenth edition, who would have thought!
Friday we already had 44 Puma’s which was a new record!
We only got Puma’s from Germany and the Netherlands this year. Saturday we got 11 more, also one from Belgium.
We had a total of 55 Puma’s, all gathered on the central meeting terrain. We kept the same layout as the year before, just like we kept the big BBQ, M&R Autoparts Shooting contest, Tuninghaus Grand Prix and of course the very successful tombola!
Why change what’s good right? We are able to look back to a very successful anniversary. As a surpise to our visitors we had 60 red wishing balloons, which we sent on their way together. It was beautiful to see, truly worthy for an anniversary.
Luckily the weather was on our side the entire weekend.
Very special were the presents we got as the board of Pumadrivers, given to us by FlORiDa Fraktion, family Wicht and Puma Team Europe.
Also, all the nice responses on several forums and Facebook told us the EFPM is very much appriciated. Which gives us reason enought to continue organising. We hope to see you next year. We are ready for another anniversary!

Friday 4th, Satterday 5th and Sunday 6th of September 2015

efpm 2015

The first meeting after our 10th anniversary. From Wednesday on we started with the preparation of the camping site, all went well.
In total there were 51 Pumas at the meet, a respectable number again.
It’s always great to see such a big number of Puma gathering in one place. The weather wasn’t that great but it did no harm to the fun all visitors had during the weekend. Unfortunately due to the weather, we had to cancel a spectacular activity.
You have to wait till next year. Again it was a perfect Ford Puma meeting, with a lot of fun.
See you next year.

Friday 2 nd, Saturday 3 rd, Sunday 4 th september 2016

EFPM number 12 already, Puma tradition, Puma culture.
From Wednesday on we started with the preparation of the camping site. The first visitors arived on Wednesday too and gave us a hand .
Remarkable was the fact that there were only 23 Pumas on Friday 26 came Saturday so 49 Pumas from Germany and the Netherlands attended at the meet. New this year was the bouncer fort he little Puma drivers as well as the ‚big once too.
Also new was the  ‚moving target‘ at the airschooting contest. The weather was perfect untill Sunday at noon a shower with a lot of rain hit us. Thank god most of the Pumas were on there way home already.
It was once again a very nice Puma meeting, see you next year.

Friday 1ste till Sunday 3rd september 2017

EFPM number 13 definitely wasn’t  bad luck on the contrary.
The week before the meeting is was still summer, great weather. Unfortunately  the rain came from Wednesday on, the day we start building up our meeting. So much rain fell that we had to decide to park all Puma around the hard shoulder  to prevent it became a big mud bath like we had back in 2008.
So no Pumas on the lawn this year. This year we had planned a short  roundtrip once again, and for the first time (in cooperation with ACW Softline) we rented Sumo wrestling suites. Great fun to do.
For the first time since 2012 the number of Pumas attending at our meet increased. Over the last years the numbers went down every year. Great to see we had 56 Pumas from The Netherlands, Germany and (2 Pumas) Hungary.
It was, once more, a great Puma meeting with lots of fun for everyone.
We are already looking forward to the 2018 meet.  

31 august till 2 september 2018

During EFPM number 14 we had perfect meeting weather.
Because of the great weather we could park all the Pumas together again like we used to do.
It still looks amazing,  all those great little Puma’s together at our meet.
Remarkable was that on Thursday already 7 Pumas found their way to the  camping side.
We never ever had so much Pumas on Thursday already.
Because of the seven Pumas on Thursday, it was disappointing that ‘only’ 43 Pumas actually visit this year’s European Ford Puma Meeting. Only 2005 we had les Pumas at our EFPM.
Remarkable is the number of non-Pumas who come to the Puma meeting.
Most are former Puma drivers who still enjoy to be with us.
But never the les it was a great meeting once again. With Pumas from the Netherlands, Germany  and Italy.
See you next year……..

15 Th EFPM 30-8 till 1-9 2019

We had a great Puma weekend, ones again.
Great weather, lot’s off fun, 42 Puma’s and 15 other car at the meeting.
We had Puma’s from the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and Great-Brittan.
An anniversary meeting worthy. This year we changed the layout of the site, a good choice.
After the raffle we had a surprise for one of our guests, Silke (Silli) Decker from Germany didn’t miss one single meeting. So for here it was the 15th EFPM too.
Silli had a big surprise for us as well. She had written a great poem about 15 years EFPM.
We got two beautiful gifts from our German Puma drivers friends as well.
In the past, we had two marriage proposal.
But this anniversary meeting we had a proper marriage for the first time, even with our Puma priest.
The great pictures say more than all words.
See you next year, on to the 20th EFPM


vrijdag 4 september t/m zondag 6 september 2020

Due to all the corona restrictions, it was uncertain for a long time whether the 16th EFPM would even go
ahead this year.
Fortunately, this was possible, taking into account the applicable measures. But ‘normal’ wasn’t much this year. The campsite has had a new owner since January and we were no longer able to stay in our usual spot at the back of the campsite. Our new location is now near the entrance to the campsite. In the end, all the changes were not too bad. On Wednesday we started building again. Due to the new location, it took some time to figure out how to best organize the meeting area. But that was certainly a success as well. We were allowed to use the recreation room so we didn’t have to set up the large tent. The recreation room, with a large tent in front, also turned out to be a perfect location for the extensive breakfast, which we were able to offer to all visitors for the first time. Fortunately, ‘normal’ was the conviviality and familiarity that is so typical of our Puma meeting. With 36 Pumas (from NL, D and CH) and more old Pumas drivers, we can look back on a very successful weekend. Due to all the corona excitement, some Puma driver will have stayed away, which is why we are certainly satisfied with the number of visitors. And every year we see more old Puma riders, without Puma, coming to our EFPM. A sign that fun is the most important thing

vrijdag 3 september t/m zondag 5 september 2021

For the second year in our new place, also the second year with corona measures, as a result of which a number of German Puma drivers didn’t come to the meeting or only came Saturday instead of the whole weekend.
As a result, there were only 29 Pumas from NL, D and CH at the meeting.
Compared to last year, we had made a few adjustments to the layout of our new meeting area. We had put the registration tent at the entrance on the right, shooting ranges opposite. Our own tents next to the registration tent and the Pumadrivers party tents on the meeting site. Furthermore, for the first time in EFPM history, a parking lane for all non-Puma’s had been set up on the meeting site. Every year more ex-Puma riders, without Puma, come to the EFPM and they really belong to the meeting as al Puma drivers do.
Due to this layout, the site was well and pleasantly filled.
Fortunately, we were also able to use the hall again, which is ideal for breakfast (and in bad weather everyone can sit dry and warm in the evening) in the hall we also played a racing game.
Due to all the corona measures, we have adjusted the program and put the award ceremony on Saturday following the tombola, instead of on Sunday morning. As a result, everyone, especially our foreign guests, was free to leave early on Sunday.
We started building again on Wednesday, Thursday this year already 7 Puma’s were at the meeting.
The most important thing is that it was another super successful, pleasant EFPM, in lovely late summer weather. See you next year

2 till 4 september 2022

Fortunately, we were able to organize the 18th EFPM without restrictive corona measures.
In wonderful summer weather, 32 Pumas from Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and the Netherlands we enjoyed another beautiful EFPM.
In addition to the 32 Pumas, there were also 15 ‘non-Pumas’. Just like last year, these were ‘at’ the meeting in their own section.
This year, for the first time in EFPM history, we had a Cup for these ‘Non Pumas’.
We had kept the layout of the meeting area the same as last year.
As a result, we have a beautiful, pleasantly filled meeting area.
The photos clearly show that the Pumas and (Party) tents are nicely distributed to the left and right of the street, this looks super cozy.
This year we have largely maintained the program changes from last year, we have only moved the raffle and the award ceremony to the evening so that everyone can eat at their leisure. And we have scheduled a lunch break at the games.
We were also able to use the hall again, this year it had a new floor and the outside had received a lick of paint. Immediately looks much better. The campsite gets more beautiful every year and that can also be seen on our site.
We used the hall again for breakfast and the raffle prizes were now also in the hall.
Every year it is a super Puma weekend, for us as a board half a week.
Great, see you next year.

1st. till 3th. september 2023

For the 19th EFPM we had the meeting site again organized as last year.
The ‘non-Puma’s’ along the hedge is a nice addition to the EFPM.
This year again more than 15 ‘non-Puma’s’.
This year 42 Pumas from Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary and, after a long time, a Belgian Puma.
We have never had 42 Pumas on our new site before.
14 Pumas already on Thursday!! that’s a record, we’ve never had that many on Thursday.
Who would have thought that we would break another record during the 19th edition.
There were 30 Pumas on Friday and ultimately 42 for the entire weekend.
The room had been renovated a bit more. It’s really great that we can use it.
The grounds were really nicely filled all weekend.
It remains a beautiful and unique sight to see so many Pumas together.
The program adjustments are also good. Everything on Saturday is a good adjustment for everyone.
Next year our anniversary EFPM.
20th EFPM from Thursday 5 to Sunday 8 September.
There will also be a program on Friday for our anniversary EFPM.

5 till 8 September 2024

Our 20th EFPM, an achievement we are proud of.
Because it was our anniversary meeting we also had a program on Friday.
An extra day to celebrate and enjoy.
For the 20th EFPM Pascal had designed and printed a beautiful meeting sticker.
He had also made a fridge magnet with the EFPM logo for every visitor and the
cups for the racing game and for the winner of the shooting contest on his 3D printer.
On Friday evening Jürgen, our EFPM Pastor, gave his first baptism blessing after two marriages.
After the baptism we played the 20 years EFPM quiz and afterwards enjoyed the many beautiful photos of the past editions and other meetings that we have visited over the years.
The photo booth was also a great success, many photos were taken during the entire weekend.
On Saturday our regular program was also highly appreciated, especially with this top meeting weather. Before we wanted to start the tombola raffle we were offered an incredible gift by our German Puma friends. Martin as ‘face’ of Pumadrivers and the EFPM got a super nice wooden model Puma.
We can look back on a super successful anniversary meeting, 20 years of EFPM.
Wednesday there were already 7 Pumas, the first one was even on Monday, Thursday no less than 22 Pumas and eventually 52 Pumas from 7 countries. Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary, the Netherlands, England and the Czech Republic, a real European Ford Puma meeting.

At the meeting reports you can find the reports with a lot of beautiful pictures and movies.